Tree onions, also known as Egyptian onions, Walking onions, Topsetting onions etc (Allium × proliferum, formerly Allium cepa var proliferum) are a very...
A few years ago we got some perennial leeks online. Like all plants you get online it is difficult to know if it will survive being posted or survive...
I am not all that fond of eating broad beans. I think I have eaten them maybe 2 or 3 times in my life and have never particularly liked them. I have, however, grown broad beans and saved their seeds many times.
Why grow Broad Beans (Vicia faba)
I used to grow broad beans as green manure or mulch. As a green manure they are fantastic, they protect the soil, they prevent winter weeds from getting a start, the roots incorporate nitrogen into the soil, the tops add a lot of carbon rich organic matter, and they grow over the cooler months when little else needs the space, they are easy to chop/kill and you can plant seedlings directly into the dead patch. As a mulch they do ok, being high in nitrogen it tends to break down a bit too fast unless you use a very thick layer, but it certainly has its uses in the vegetable garden. The variety I am growing now, I first purchased seeds before my first child was born, he "helped" me to plant and save broad bean seeds a few times.