Kamis, 31 Maret 2016

I stumbled across this inspirational video and link about window farming that I had to share with you.   There is no end to what the...
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Rabu, 30 Maret 2016

OK here it is. I am sick of seeing this photo being plastered around trying to make parents feel bad for wearing their baby close.This is MY photo, and...
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Our first ducklings. Isnt this one a cutie.We decided we would do a bit of an experiment with this broody duck. Since we have chooks who do not go broody...
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My job search has resulted unsuccessful so far. Should I be concerned? Well, Im not. I have been applying to positions I know I could be a great ad to...
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Today I ? my biggest boyWednesday is going to be the one slow day of my week this year. So I have decided I am going to take a moment each week to stop...
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Selasa, 29 Maret 2016

All right, so imagine youre out there in the wild, not London, thats too tacky for you; think of a place where you lose yourself for days. Youre surrounded...
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I have grown a lot of interesting tomatoes over the past few years, one of the more interesting tomatoes I grew last year was the OSU Blue tomato. ...
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Jan Kreft from the University of Birmingham shared with the audience at the MediCity a very interesting perspective (with loads of questions outside the...
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"If youre brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello."-Paulo CoelhoAfter a monstrously busy week, Friday evening was coming...
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We had our first twins born, such an exciting day. The perfect twins, one boy for dinner and one girl to replace mum.They were great at birth, sitting...
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As the year is coming to a close we take time to continue some seasonal family traditions.  Outside, collecting and foraging for items to decorate...
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The kids have been bugging me to get fish for some time.  I have wanted to get some fish, but have nowhere to put them.  I have also thought...
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